187+ Keep Your Head Up Quotes To Stay Strong

There is no doubt that inspirational keep your head up quotes change the way you think and how you see the world. Expand your perspective with insight and wisdom condensed into a few words.

Reading beautiful quotes about keeping your head up will make you think and see life different. All you need is a couple of minutes out of your day, and you can shift your entire frame of mind instantly with the help of meaningful keep your head up quotes.

I have collected powerful keep your head up quotes will offer you perspective on many of the things going on in your life.

Best Keep Your Head Up Quotes

We ain’t meant to survive, ’cause it’s a setup, And even though you’re fed up, Huh, ya got to keep your head up. Tupac Shakur

Keep your head up even if sometimes all you would want to do is hide away. Remember that it always gets easier. Anonymous

Man was made to lead with his chin; he is worth knowing only with his guard down, his head up and his heart rampant on his sleeve. Robert Farrar Capon

You have to lift your head up out of the mud and just do it. Teri Garr

Don’t wait on approval, validation, and likes from others, always give yourself the highest of approval ratings and work from there. Hold your head up and be fabulous no matter what! Jody Watley

It takes someone strong to leave with their head held high. It takes someone stronger to stay with their head held higher. Isabella Poretsis

Someone once asked me how I hold my head up so high after all I’ve been through. I said it’s because no matter what, I am a survivor. Not a victim. Patricia Buckley

I can’t walk down the street with my head up. I’m not a hat wearer, but now I’m a hat wearer. Randy Harrison

Who snitched?” We have people monitoring police radio frequencies. They gave Jim a heads-up in case our security had to storm PAD offices and bust you out of there. I found out when I saw Jim walking down the hallway snickering to himself. Ilona Andrews

Keep your head up because one day one person will fight like hell for you, the same as you would for them, and it will be a deep love. So, keep your head up. Carlos Salinas

I know your fed up but you must try to survive

Keep your head high no matter what happens. You’ll be alright. If the moment hurts, do not fall victim to its pain. Look ahead. Focus on what can be. Focus on dreams. You’ll make it. Anonymous

Crowds are the most difficult thing for me these days because I have to walk with my head down and my eyes averted. There’s still that part of me that wants to hold my head up, make eye contact, and smile. Cameron Diaz

And I know this world is so cold and deceiving, but I keep my head up like my nose is bleeding. Lil Wayne

In a tree there is a spirit of life, a spirit of growth and a spirit of holding its head up. Robert Henri

Encourage one another and you must keep that same encouragement yourself first, to encourage others, second keep your head up and count all joy in the worst of times. Robert L. Caldwell

Different is good. When someone tells you that you are different, smile and hold your head up and be proud. Angelina Jolie

I continue to hope and believe that the best stories and photographs are yet to occur. My quest for them will certainly require that I keep my head up and my eyes and heart open as I walk down the street. Peter Turnley

So keep your head high, keep your chin up, and most importantly, keep smiling, because life’s a beautiful thing and there’s so much to smile about. Marilyn Monroe

When times get rough, keep your head up. CC Sabathia

A bean bag is a perfect place to sulk. You can sink way down deep, and sulk for hours… You only have to stick your head up once in a while… to see if anybody cares. Charles M. Schulz

Continuous effort – not strength or intelligence – is the key to unlocking our potential. Winston Churchill

Keep your head held high because the floor isn’t very interesting to look at. Anonymous

Never think about something wrong you did in the past, always look forward with your head up high; have no regrets. Jared Leto

Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don’t lose faith. Steve Jobs

You cannot hold your head high with your hand out. Proverb

Don’t let anyone knock you down. Keep your head up. Greyson Chance

Keep your head up. God gives his hardest battles to his strongest soldiers. Anonymous

Keep your head up, even if sometimes all you would want to do is hide away. Remember that it always gets easier. Unknown

I’m a child of God. God is my mommy, my daddy. That’s the only thing that’ll keep my head up. If I don’t remember who I am in him, I’m done. Mary J. Blige

Keep focused, keep your eyes on the prize. Macklemore

When people (talk trash) about you, you have to keep it moving, keep the records hot and keep your head up. Ashanti

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You gotta keep your head up even when the road is hard. Never give up. Tupac Shakur

Hold your head high, stick your chest out. You can make it. It gets dark sometimes but morning comes…. Keep hope alive. Jesse Jackson

If you aren’t in over your head, how do you know how tall you are? T. S. Eliot

Keep your head up. Keep your heart strong. Ben Howard

When love is lost, do not bow your head in sadness; instead keep your head up high and gaze into heaven for that is where your broken heart has been sent to heal.

He tipped her head upDon’t give up. Don’t leave me before you’re even here. Melissa Marr

Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe. Gail Devers

God is obviouslt God, and Heaven obviously exsists, and every word spoken here on earth turns heads up there. Ted Dekker

CeNation. In Austin, TX, preparing to perform for members of our military. In that vein, I would like to let the Rough Riders Platoon know that even though they are going through a difficult time, with brave soldiers making the ultimate sacrifice, to keep their heads up, hearts strong, and know that all of them are in my thoughts. Never Give Up. John Cena

He who is silent and bows his head dies every time he does so. He who speaks aloud and walks with his head held high dies only once. Giovanni Falcone

I’ve been able to do things that allow me to hold my head up and still be popular. Sam Waterston

If you’ve got a good idea and you’re willing to do whatever it takes to pursue it, keep your head up and eyes open because you don’t know when opportunity will come knocking. Paula Deen

I had to hold my head up high and put a bold face on things, but the thoughts keep coming anyway. Anne Frank

These beautiful don’t look back quotes will uplift you and prepare you for what lies ahead.

Positive Keep Your Head Up Quotes

The rain will pass. Keep your head up. Look for the rainbow. Anonymous

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. Martin Luther King, Jr.

It is important to keep your head up and follow what you believe is right. Ajay Naidu

You’ve got to keep your head up, keep fighting, and do the best you can. Pablo Sandoval

If we let our head drop, our heart drops with it. Keep your head up, and your body is capable of amazing feats. Chrissie Wellington

Sometimes, you just have to hold your head up high, blink away the tears, and say goodbye. Anonymous

We stay strong. We stay positive, keep our heads up, love one another, spread love. The Devil can’t win when you have God on your side. Mavis Staples

Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. Confucius

Never let your head hang down. Never give up and sit down and grieve. Find another way. And don’t pray when it rains if you don’t pray when the sun shines. Satchel Paige

There are a lot of new opportunities that are poking their head up in my future. I’ve been very fortunate that way, but for right now, what I like is what I’m doing. Gavin MacLeod

Keep your head up and smile, because someone somewhere wants to see you fail. Burnell Taylor

Always hold your head up, but be careful to keep your nose at a friendly level. Max L. Forman

Forgive but don’t forget, girl, keep your head up. And when he tells you you ain’t nothing, don’t believe him. And if he can’t learn to love you, you should leave him. Tupac Shakur

Keep your head up and be patient. A. J. McLean

Heat skittered through her belly, then directly southSawyer.” In answer, he brought his head up and kissed her. Deep, hungry, tasting her in a purposely slow, thorough manner before pulling back to once again look into her eyes. Oh, GodSawyer, what are we doing?” she whispered. He shook his headNo f#cking clue. Jill Shalvis

Always keep your mind strong with positive thoughts and your head up with full confidence, because you truly have greatness in you. Edmond Mbiaka

Me? Robin Goodfellow, a family man? He, not likely, ice-boy. I mean, think of what that would do to my reputation. Glamour shimmered around him, and he gave us a wink. Later, lovebirds. Gimme a heads up when the kid arrives. ‘Uncle Puck’ will be waiting. Julie Kagawa

People like us we gotta stick together Keep your head up nothing lasts forever. Kelly Clarkson

Keep your head up. It has to get worse before it gets better. Anonymous

I can get a great look at a t-bone steak by shoving my head up a bull’s ass but I’d rather take the butchers word for it. Chris Farley

Lift your head up high, and scream to the world. I know I am someone and let the truth unfurl. Michael Jackson

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You gotta keep ur head up even when the road is hard never give up. Tupac Shakur

Never bend your head. Always hold it high. Look the world straight in the eye. Helen Keller

Before Midnight is one of the years best movies. Full to the brim with humor, heartbreak, and ravishing romance. Richard Linklater directs with ardor and artistry. Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy shine brilliantly. Heads up, Oscar. This ones a keeper. Peter Travers

Keep your heels, head, and standards high. Coco Chanel

The scoreboard can’t make you a loser. If you walk off the field with your head up, you don’t lose. You don’t hang your head for nobody. People in the stands think you’re the greatest or the worst – their opinion doesn’t make a difference. The only opinion that makes any difference is your own opinion of yourself. Dan Marino

You have to lift your head out of the mud and just do it. Teri Garr

Even though you’re fed up, you’ve got to keep your head up. Tupac Shakur

Hold your head high, stick your chest out. You can make it. It gets dark sometimes, but morning comes. Keep hope alive. Jesse Jackson

So chin up chum. You’re a beautiful, beautiful human being, and the world is your sunshine. Sam Voutas

There’s an angel that’s watching right over you All your trials have not been in vain Won’t you lift your head up to the starry night Finding strength in the things that remain. Van Morrison

Abundance is a direct reflection of your preparation to live abundantly. People who are ready for abundance keep their heads up, their eyes open, and give thanks for everything they get. Iyanla Vanzant

Abundance is a direct reflection of your preparation to live abundantly. People who are ready for abundance keep their heads up, their eyes open and give thanks for everything they get. Iyanla Vanzant

Chin up princess. Or the crown slips. Anonymous

Each moment’s precious, don’t let life pass you by

On the square…I’m not riffin’ like Andy Griffith,

Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do. John Wooden

meets the sky, and live like you ain’t afraid to die. Don’t be scared…just enjoy the ride. Chris LeDoux

I think my mind blown, I barely feel my feet. I’mma hold my head high even in defeat. Rick Ross

You keep your head down and you work and work, and all of a sudden you pick your head up and people are receiving it the same way we’re sending it Jeffrey Tambor

When you’re going through your rough time / Maybe I could be your lifeline / Keep your head up, when you’re down. Felix Kurt Jaehn

But, chin up. There’s a medal in it for sure. Nothing like a scrap of ribbon to cheer up a widow. Sam Mendes

Awake! Arise and go! Never ever give up! Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

If things don’t work out the way you want, hold your head up high and be proud. And try again. And again. And again! Sarah Dessen

Don’t let haters get me off my grind. Keep my head up, I know I’ll be fine. Keep fighting until I get there. When I’m down and I feel like giving up I whip my hair back and forth. Willow Smith

Don’t wait on approval, validation and likes from others – always give yourself the highest of approval ratings and work from there. Hold your head up and be fabulous no matter what! Jody Watley

I know it seems hard sometimes but remember one thing. Through every dark night, there’s a bright day after that. So no matter how hard it get, stick your chest out, keep ya head up…. and handle it. Tupac Shakur

Always keep your mind strong with thoughts of positivity; your head up with full confidence and a big smile on your face, because you truly have greatness in you. Edmond Mbiaka

I was haunted by trainers going Up, up, up, get up.” You find yourself picking your head up and then realizing they aren’t talking to me. Jeff Daniels

Above all, I would like to be remembered as a man who was selfless, who strove and worried so that others could share the glory, and who built up a family of people who could hold their heads up high and say ‘We’re Liverpool’. Bill Shankly

There is no failure except in no longer trying. Elbert Hubbard

Just fed up, goin’ head up, with competition.

Off you pop, then, and keep your chin up. Jason Wilson

Allow these empowering hope quotes to give you an extra inspiration in your step whenever you may need it.

Inspirational Keep Your Head Up Quotes

I’m not a conscious rapper, all those things we talk about, the struggle, the pain, the outlook to the future, keep your head up. I try to put all those positive things into a regular human character, which is myself. J. Cole

To everyone battling a difficulty or under attack right now, smile, keep your head up, keep moving and stay positive, you’ll get through it. Germany Kent

Hold your head high, and stick your chest out. You can make it. It gets dark sometimes but morning comes—keep hope alive. Jesse Jackson

Sometimes, it just plain sucks.

Keep your chin up but not so high that you cannot see what is right in front of you. Joshua F.

Keep your head up, keep your heart strong. Shalane Flanagan

As children of God we are somebody. He will build us, mold us, and magnify us if we will but hold our heads up, our arms out, and walk with him. Marvin J. Ashton

Sometimes it makes no sense at all. Sometimes its unfair.

Anyway, chin up, love.. there’s nothing ever quite so bad but thinking makes it worse. Terence Rattigan

Pride is holding your head up when everyone around you has theirs bowed. Courage is what makes you do it. Bryce Courtenay

But please don’t cry, dry your eyes, never let up Forgive but don’t forget, girl keep your head up Tupac Shakur

When love is lost, do not bow your head in sadness; instead keep your head up high and gaze into heaven for that is where your broken heart has been sent to heal. Anonymous

Constant effort and frequent mistakes are the stepping stones to genius. Elbert Hubbard

I was haunted by trainers going Up, up, up, get up.” You find yourself picking your head up and then realizing, they aren’t talking to me. Jeff Daniels

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Don’t wait on approval, validation, and likes from others–always give yourself the highest of approval ratings and work from there. Hold your head up and be fabulous no matter what! Jody Watley

And I know this world is so cold and deceiving but I keep my head up like my nose is bleeding. Lil Wayne

You’ve got to have some adversity and learn from it. I’m working hard, but I didn’t expect a cure in one day. You learn. You move on. You hold your head up. You go on to the next day. Chuck Knoblauch

Sears had layers and layers of people it didn’t need. It was very bureaucratic. It was slow to think. And there was an established way of thinking. If you poked your head up with a new thought, the system kind of turned against you. It was everything in the way of a dysfunctional big bureaucracy that you would expect. Charlie Munger

Keep your head up, your heart open, stay on a positive path, and the right people will come along and join you on it. Mandy Hale

Someone once asked me how I hold my head up so high after all I’ve been through. I said it’s because no matter what, I am a survivor, not a victim. Patricia Buckley

They’ve got to deliver twenty-six episodes a season and they’re not going to beat their heads up against a wall if they feel something didn’t, like, pan out the way they had hoped. Rene Auberjonois

You only live once, life is really short.. don’t let anything minuscule like that keep you down. Keep your head up. Mitch Lucker

Keep your head up in failure and your head down in success. Jerry Seinfeld

Lift your head up high, and scream to the world. I know I am someone, and let the truth unfurl. Michael Jackson

Never back down. Always keep your head up to show haters what you’re capable of. Anonymous

God knows your value; He sees your potential. You may not understand everything you are going through right now. But hold your head up high, knowing that God is in control and he has a great plan and purpose for your life. Joel Osteen

When you walk through a storm keep your chin up high and don’t be afraid of the dark. Oscar Hammerstein II

Bad stuff happens sometimes.

Keep your head up even if sometimes all you would want to do is hide away. Remember that it always gets easier.”

Put your shoulders back, hold your head up high knowing that the same power that raised Christ from the dead lives on the inside of you. Joel Osteen

Put your shoulders back, and hold your head up high knowing that the same power that raised Christ from the dead lives the inside of you. Joel Osteen

Sit tall in the saddle and hold your head up high. Keep your eyes fixed where the trail

Keep your head up and don’t let anything get to you. Always keep good posture. Dante Bichette Jr.

You’re gonna have to learn to get out there in front of those cameras and hold your head up. Take charge when you’re singing. Patsy Cline

But, chin up. There’s a medal in it for sure. Nothing like a scrap of ribbon to cheer up a widow. Andrew Scott

Be persistent and just keep going to open mics no matter what, even if just to watch and not perform. You’ll find that even at your worst keep your head up because you’ll still be better than other people’s best. Pete Holmes

The world is full of horrible things that will eventually get you and everything you care about. Laughter is a universal way to lift your head up and say: ‘Not today, you bastards.’ Anthony Jeselnik

Edison failed , times before he made the electric light. Do not be discouraged if you fail a few times. Napoleon Hill

Hold your head up, there’s a light in the sky

Where’s the activism? Nobody knows. And anyone who thinks they know, like Todd Gitlin, has their head up their ass. Nobody knows. The day before every revolution that’s ever happened, that revolution was impossible. The day before Rosa Parks, that was impossible. The day after, it was inevitable. Bill Ayers

Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat. F. Scott Fitzgerald

I had to hold my head up high and put a bold face on things, but the thoughts keep coming anyways. Anne Frank

As the world falls, I will keep my head up high because I know at the end of the time, I fall with my heart sorrowing into the sky. Christina Dessert

The world is not a kind place, yet it rewards those who are daring and brave. Keeping your head up is key if you want to be among those who take the world as it is and make the most of what it has to offer. Anonymous

Keep your head up because one day one person will fight like hell for you, the same as you would for them, and it will be a deep love. So, keep your head up. Carlos Salinas

You’re a fighter. Look at everything you’ve overcome. Don’t give up now. Olivia Benson

Encourage yourself, speak to yourself, and lift yourself right on up. Encourage yourself that change its here. Encourage yourself to continue to pursue. Delene Williams

Discover our hand-picked selection of famous miracle quotes that are guaranteed to lift you up.

Motivational Keep Your Head Up Quotes

It is better to have your head in the clouds, and know where you are… than to breathe the clearer atmosphere below them, and think that you are in paradise. Henry David Thoreau

Keep your head up. Keep fighting. There is always light at the end of the tunnel, and your struggles only make you better in the end. Anonymous

moving and stay positive, you’ll get through it. Germany Kent

Was that Donna Brazile, a CNN analyst, or a [Hillary] Clinton partisan? Two batches of emails posted by WikiLeaks show Brazile gave Clinton advisers a heads up about questions the candidate might receive at CNN events during the primaries. Donna Brazile

Even though you are fed up, you’ve got to keep your head up. Tupac Shakur

Keep your head up—you are so much better than you believe. I promise. Anonymous

I admire someone who has been through a lot and still keeps their head up. Anonymous

Put all excuses aside and remember this: YOU are capable. Zig Ziglar

Always hold your head up high, even if on the inside you’re about to cry. Pretend that nothing is wrong at all. Close your eyes before you fall. If you can’t see it, it’s not there. Sarah R.

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Always remember that, but remember that you have to move on somehow. You just pick your head up and stare at something beautiful like the sky, or the ocean, and you move the hell on. James Patterson

To follow the drops sliding from a lifting oar, Head up, while the rower breathes, and the small boat drifts quietly shoreward. Theodore Roethke

Come on, you know, chin up, chest out, and best foot forward. Fred Astaire

Keep your head up, keep your heart strong. Keep your mind set, keep your hair long. Ben Howard

Sit tall in the saddle and hold your head up high. Keep your eyes fixed where the trail meets the sky, and live like you ain’t afraid to die. Don’t be scared—just enjoy the ride. Chris LeDoux

I think, head up and shoulders back. Not only does it make you look taller and thinner but it gives you confidence and boosts your self-esteem. Shelley Long

Keep your head up because one day one person will fight like hell for you, the same as you would for them, and it will be a deep love. So keep your head up. Carlos Salinas

I know it seems hard sometimes, but remember one thing. Through every dark night, there’s a bright day after that. So no matter how hard it gets, stick your chest out, keep ya head up and handle it. Tupac Shakur

Someone once asked me how I hold my head up so high after all I’ve been through. I said, it’s because no matter what, I am a survivor. Not a victim. Patricia Buckley

Through every dark night, there’s a bright day after that. Tupac Shakur

The Devil is a liar. He cannot win. And that’s all we’re seeing is a bunch of devils [Donald Trump]. So we have to pray and just look out for one another. Keep your chest out, stick your head up and walk tall. Mavis Staples

No matter how much it hurts, you have to hold your head up and keep going. Brooke Addison

I have … spoken to the heads of various Wall Street equity derivatives trading desks and every single one of the senior managers I spoke with told me that Bernie Madoff was a fraud. Of course no one wants to take an undue career risk by sticking their head up … The fewer people who know who wrote this report the better. I am worried about the personal safety of myself and my family. Harry Markopolos

Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. Thomas A. Edison

In my own faith tradition, these questions have been very important. It has always been easiest for me to apprehend God in the natural world. I love to go to church, but when I really want to feel the presence of the divine I’m more likely to head up into the mountains. Bill McKibben

Big lots,’ I said, seeing the eighty-year-old oaks and shady lawns. The houses were set way back and had iron fences and stone drives. The harder to hear your neighbors scream, my dear,’ was David’s answer, and I sent my head up and down in agreement. Kim Harrison

Never let anyone tell you who you are, hold your head up high, look them in the eyes and tell them who you are. Sonya Parker

Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength. Arnold Schwarzenegger

Never think about something wrong you did in the past, always look forward with your head up high. Have no regrets. Jared Leto

Never let your head hang down. Never give up and sit down and grieve. Find another way. And don’t pray when it rains if you don’t pray when the sun shines. Richard Nixon

If I’m going to have hope, I’m going to have to learn to endure disappointment. Sharon Weil

Stand Tall, Stand Proud. Know that you are unique and magnificent. You do not need the approval of others. Jonathan Lockwood Huie

To everyone battling a difficulty or under attack right now—smile, keep your head up, keep

Forgive but don’t forget, girl keep your head up. And when he tells you you ain’t nothing, don’t believe him. And if he can’t learn to love you, you should leave him. Tupac Shakur

I never lose. I either win or learn. Nelson Mandela

I didn’t want to be a loser, but I didn’t want to fit in at the same time because I don’t like just being ordinary. So it’s one of those situations where I always kept my head up. ASAP Rocky

These prin­ciples laid down as in variable rules: that one must pay a card sharper, but need not pay a tailor; that one must never tell a lie to a man, but one may to a woman; that one must never cheat anyone, but one may a husband; that one must never pardon an insult, but one may give one and so on. These principles were possibly not reasonable and not good, but they were of unfailing certainty, and so long as he adhered to them, Vronsky felt that his heart was at peace and he could hold his head up. Leo Tolstoy

When you walk through a storm, keep your chin up high and don’t be afraid of the dark. Oscar Hammerstein II

Lift your head up high and scream out to the world I know I am someone, and let the truth unfurl. Michael Jackson

A Negro just can’t be whipped by somebody white and return with his head up in the neighborhood, especially in those days, when sports and, to a lesser extent show business, were the only fields open to Negroes, and when the ring was the only place a Negro could whip a white man and not be lynched. Malcolm X

Always hold your head up high, even if on the inside you’re about to cry. Pretend that nothing is wrong at all. Close your eyes before you fall. If you can’t see it, it’s not there. Anonymous

I think my mind was blown, I barely feel my feet. I’m gonna hold my head high even in defeat. Rick Ross

Keep your head up high, walk away from things that only bring so much pain in your life, and move on. Anonymous

Don’t let haters get me off my grind. With my head up, I know I’ll be fine. Keep fighting until I get there. When I’m down and I feel like giving up, I think again. I whip my hair back and forth. Willow Smith

When you need a little motivation and inspiration, best letting go quotes will turn your day around and boost your mood.