Soccer Quotes to Unleash Your Passion

Powerful soccer quotes will fuel your enthusiasm, ignite your passion and give you that extra spark to each your fullest potential. Soccer is the beautiful game, and over the years inspiring words have been said about it by greatest players and coaches of all time.

From words of advice and wisdom from sport legends to inspiring lines that will give you the motivation you need, these famous soccer quotes will be sure to give you the boost you’re looking for.

Best Soccer Quotes

Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do. Pele

I’ve never scored a goal in my life without getting a pass from someone else. Abby Wambach

God gives gifts to everyone, some can write, some can dance. He gave me the skill to play football and I am making the most of it. Ronaldinho

Your love makes me strong, your hate makes me unstoppable! Cristiano Ronaldo

I love football, and you love football, and arguing about it is just a waste of time. Ian Slatter

Take your victories, whatever they might be, cherish them, use them, but don’t settle for them. Mia Hamm

Words can come and go. Your acts are going to speak for themselves. Javier Chicharito Hernandez

Everything is practice. Pele

Every single day I woke up and commit to myself to become a better player. Mia Hamm

The players are writing a beautiful page of French football history. Didier Deschamps

It’s not the will to win, but the will to prepare to win that makes the difference. Bear Bryant

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Only in sport can you live through emotions like this. We knew how to put them in difficulty, we made them run, we prepared well. Samuel Umtiti

Tactically, the coach did a perfect job yesterday, so we know we will be fully prepared. Antoine Griezmann

Keep working even when no one is watching. Alex Morgan

I always look forward to playing for my national team, especially at major tournaments. Luka Modric

Maybe they hate me because I’m too good. Cristiano Ronaldo

I hope the players benefit from my experience but this is their final. It is something they have worked for and they will be able to enjoy it. Didier Deschamps

I have to keep working hard and playing well because I don’t like to be second or third they’re the worst places to be. You would be proud, of course, because it means you’re on the way, but you want to finish first. Paul Pogba

People in football love to talk about mental strength. Well, I’m the strongest dude you’re ever going to meet. Romelu Lukaku

Our country has been through difficult experiences in terms of unity. Sport football in particular has the power to help that. It is a special feeling. Gareth Southgate

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We dominated the game physically and mentally, in all aspects. We should have killed the game before extra time. Luka Modric

All goal scorers go on droughts. It is how you cope with that. And it is not just about scoring, it is about what you bring to the team, bringing others into play and getting assists. Harry Kane

Outside football, I just love life, you know. We’re lucky to play football, to have all this body. Everyone’s watching us. Paul Pogba

There is no pressure when you are making a dream come true. Neymar Jr.

If you weren’t with me when I had nothing, then you can’t really understand me. Romelu Lukaku

All goalscorers go on droughts. It is how you cope with that. And it is not just about scoring, it is about what you bring to the team, bringing others into play and getting assists. Harry Kane

Take the risk, or lose the chance. Eden Hazard

The smartest thing I did is I never gave up. Ivan Rakitic

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I’ve always been working hard on my speed for the last few years. Obviously, I’m not slow, but as a striker, the more speed you have, the better you are. Harry Kane

Everything in my life has happened very early, personally and professionally. I’m always learning I have to. Neymar Jr.

I only think about the pitch. I want to do great. I want to be one of the best. I want to win titles. I want to achieve things. Paul Pogba

I’ve never tried to hide the fact that it is my intention to become the best. Cristiano Ronaldo

That’s the mentality don’t just play it, win it. Luis Suarez

Since the beginning of the competition he has got it right, and I hope it will be the same for the final. Antoine Griezmann

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I want to win and always have done since I was small. I don’t know if it’s in my blood or just my personality. Diego Costa

The questions around us principally come down to character; the essential ability to withstand events that go against you. Gareth Southgate

My heroes were always soccer players. Ronaldinho

I have to be scoring goals and playing well to get in the team because, if not, others who are in better form will play. Diego Costa

Whatever brings you down will eventually make you stronger. Alex Morgan

I’m going to remember to have fun this time. Life is too short for the stress and the drama. Romelu Lukaku

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But it’s cool. Those people weren’t with me when we were pouring water in our cereal. Romelu Lukaku

I worry when I can’t help the team with everything I have to offer. Luis Suarez

Like Zidane, I want to inspire the kids. Eden Hazard

It is a unique and special feeling when the fans sing my name. It’s incredible when I hear the song, and it’s touching that there are people who connect with you. Philippe Coutinho

Nobody has enough talent to live on talent alone. Even when you have talent, a life without work goes nowhere. Arsene Wenger

I never tried to hide the fact that my only goal is to be the best. Cristiano Ronaldo

Everything I know about morality and the obligations of men, I owe it to football soccer. Albert Camus

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To be a professional you have to act like one as well. Alcurtis Turner

The more difficult the victory, the greater the happiness in winning. Pele

I just hate losing and that gives you an extra determination to work harder. Wayne Rooney

You have to fight to reach your dream. You have to sacrifice and work hard for it. Leonel Messi

The first 90 minutes are the most important. Sir Robert William Robson

When good soccer happens, I give thanks for the miracle and I don’t give a damn which team or country performs it. Eduardo Galeano

I once cried because I had no shoes to play soccer, but one day, I met a man who had no feet. Zinedine Zidane

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I don’t have time for hobbies. At the end of the day, I treat my job as a hobby. It’s something I love doing. David Beckham

There are more important things in life than winning or losing a game. Leonel Messi

It is not just about the money, it is about what you achieve on the pitch. Ronaldinho

Soccer is an art more central to our culture than anything the Arts Council deigns to recognize. Germaine Greer

All I know of morality I learned from football. Albert Camus

Behind every kick of the ball there has to be a thought. Dennis Bergkamp

If you’re in the penalty area and don’t know what to do with the ball, put it in the net and we’ll discuss the options later. Bob Paisley

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I really want to try soccer after I retire because I’ve watched football over the years and I think I could be a good contender. Usain Bolt

When I’ve done gymnastics, ballet or soccer  I was always trying to be the best. I’m really driven. Really driven. Chloe Grace Moretz

They say Rome wasn’t built in a day, but I wasn’t on that particular job. Brian Clough

You can overcome anything, if, and only if, you love something enough. Lionel Messi

I am building a fire, and every day I train, I add more fuel. At just the right moment, I light the match. Mia Hamm

The ball is round, the game lasts ninety minutes, and everything else is just theory. Josef Sepp Herberger

When people succeed, it is because of hard work. Luck has nothing to do with success. Diego Maradona

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There’s no in between you’re either good or bad. We were in between Gary Linekar

I think there are a lot of things that soccer does in the communities that transcend the soccer field. Brandi Denise Chastain

I would not be bothered if we lost every game as long as we won the league Mark Viduka

If you’re attacking, you don’t get as tired as when you’re chasing. Kyle Rote, Jr.

I took a whack on my left ankle, but something told me it was my right. Lee Hendrie

I learned a long time ago that there is something worse than missing the goal, and that’s not pulling the trigger. Mia Hamm

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Those who say it can’t be done, shouldn’t interfere with those who are doing it. Billy Eberhart

You’ve got to believe you’re going to win, and I believe we’ll win the World Cup until the final whistle blows and we’re knocked out. Peter Shilton

Soccer is not about justice. It’s a drama, and criminally wrong decisions against you are part and parcel of that. Pete Davies

The trouble with referees is that they know the rules, but they do not know the game. Bill Shankly

It is my conviction that there are no limits to learning, and that it can never stop, no matter what our age. Cristiano Ronaldo

Some people tell me that professional players are soccer slaves. Well, if this is slavery, give me a life sentence. Bobby Charlton

I am not a perfectionist, but I like to feel that things are done well. More important than that, I feel an endless need to learn, to improve, to evolve, not only to please the coach and the fans but also to feel satisfied with myself. Cristiano Ronaldo

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Football is the ballet of the masses. Dmitri Shostakovich

Every time I went away I was deceiving my mum. I’d tell her I was going to school but I’d be out on the street playing football. I always had a ball on my feet. Ronaldo

The rules of soccer are very simple, basically, it is this if it moves, kick it. If it doesn’t move, kick it until it does. Phil Woosnam

What I do is play soccer, which is what I like. Lionel Messi

Men spend their time in following a ball or a hare; it is the pleasure even of kings. Blaise Pascal

If a man watches three football games in a row, he should be declared legally dead. Erma Bombeck

There are more important things in life than winning or losing a game. Lionel Messi

If Earth had a soccer team, everyone on Earth would wear the same jersey to support it. There’d be no them, there’d only be us. Peta Kelly

If you’re not sweating, you’re not working hard enough. Alex Morgan

I would not be bothered if we lost every game as long as we won the league. Mark Viduka

Failure happens all the time. It happens every day in practice. What makes you better is how you react to it. Mia Hamm

We must have had 99 percent of the game it was the other three percent that cost us the match. Ruud Gullit

Football is an art, players paint with their feet. Maswood Alam Khan

Good soccer players need not be titans sculpted by Michelangelo. In soccer, ability is much more important than shape, and in many cases, skill is the art of turning limitations into virtues. Eduardo Galeano

I learned all about life with a ball at my feet. Ronaldinho

Becoming a footballer is only the first half of the silent prayer a kid offers up to the sky or confides to his teacher in a primary school essay. The second part is the name of the team he wants to play for. Andrea Pirlo

Football is the poetry of a motion. Pubudu Lasal Dissanayake

Ability is what you’re capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it. Lou Holtz

And one fine day the goddess of the wind kisses the foot of man, that mistreated, scorned foot, and from that kiss the soccer idol is born. He is born in a straw crib in a tin roofed shack and he enters the world clinging to a ball. Eduardo Galeano

I think foosball is a combination of soccer and shish kabobs. Mitch Hedberg

When I was younger, soccer was my life. I always wanted to play. Alphonso Davies

Soccer must be played with the heart, not with strength and talent as perceived. ABC

I reckoned I could meet more girls being in a band than playing soccer. Roger Taylor

Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans win. Gary Lineker

I go overseas, and all the soccer players come to me, like, Yeah bro, we always play Mo Bamba. It’s crazy. Sheck Wes

Substitution is a true test of strength. The real performance of a player is seen not only during playing time but also and more especially when the player is substituted. Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

Some people think football soccer is a matter of life and death. I don’t like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that. Bill Shankly

Garrincha was the one who would climb out of the training camp window because he heard from some far off back alley call of a ball asking to be played with, music demanding to be danced to, a woman wanting to be kissed. Eduardo Galeano

I worked on my weaknesses and made them my strengths. Sydney Leroux

In football everything is complicated by the presence of the opposite team. Jean Paul Sartre

What I learned from directing, I learned from soccer, where it’s like a coach player relationship. Sean Durkin

Around the age of 14, I was very discouraged from a coach. It was my first youth club team while playing soccer. She told me at the time that I wasn’t good enough to play on the team, that I would never get into the game. Alex Morgan

When I’ve done gymnastics, ballet or soccer I was always trying to be the best. I’m really driven. Really driven. Chloe Grace Moretz

Basically my whole life revolves around soccer. Everything just gets put on the back burner because of my training. But at the end of the day, I’m sitting here as a world champion, and it feels pretty good. Carli Lloyd

To be the ultimate team, you must use your body and your mind. Draw up on the resources of your teammates. Remember, only teams succeed. Jose Mourinho

I don’t believe skill was, or ever will be, the result of coaches. It is a result of a love affair between the child and the ball. Roy Keane

I think soccer kept me off the street. Memphis Depay

I will forgive if the players cannot get it right, but not if they do not try hard. Pep Guardiola

Soccer is simple, but it is difficult to play simple. Johan Cruyff

The guys who play it [soccer] are kinda dumb. Why don’t they just kick the crap out of the guy in front of the net? Then they could score all they want. Tite Kubo